The New World Order agenda is trying to kill masculinity and cripple men. They DO NOT want entire nations full of high T males that refuse to comply with their tyranny. They want docile, slave-labor style workers that bend over on command to the government. If you have low T/low energy, you're not going to stand and fight the government now are you? That's also why there's soy and monsanto endocrine disrupting agents in non-organic foods, they both kill T levels and up Estradiol.
You're a hell of a guy, P!
I knew a guy with that! He still has hell with his T even with scripts.
A good friend of mine has Hashimoto's I believe it's called? Kills your thyroid levels which also hits the endocrine system. His total test has never been over 400! His body does though produce tons of other hormones cause the guy can pull over 900!!!! Go figure!