What's up everyone...
For those that don't know.. I recently started up the Virginia ABC chapter and had some great success with my right hand man BS55. I transferred schools back down to North Carolina. transferred Coordinator status to my main brother BS55 and have been in talks with Big Enforcer about getting a chapter together and running down on my side of North Carolina. I realize there is already a NC chapter; however, they are on the other side of the state...and given gas prices, working at a gym, and knowing that not all potential animals were being reached, I wanted to start a new chapter down around my area. The ABCs are a great fundamental way to keep in touch with a brotherhood of people shooting for the same goals and being there to push and motivate one another. Hell, the ABCs helped me really focus in on my lifting and training to help decide where I wanted my lifting to take me. I also met a shit load of good guys and a lot of great friends. Learned a lot, had some great times, and just wanted to share that experience again and plant some new roots for the ABC movements.
I am currently in the Winston Salem/Greensboro/Kernersville (Triad) area. I also frequently am around the Boone area as well. If you are located around these areas and want to help join in on a new chapter of ABCs then please respond here or PM me.
Looking to put up some information around my gym and hitting up members that I think may have the potential. I will also be spreading the "gospel" this Saturday at my gym's first community fair. Hopefully will have a great turn out.
Once again, thanks Enforcer for helping me get this off the ground and for anyone wanting to join or help out... let me know.