So I have been gone for about three months with no internet, but that doesn't mean that I wasn't training. Right now I'm down to about 206 pounds. I don't no BF %, but I can say that this is the leanest I have ever been. Stats looking like this:
Chest: 48in
Shoulders: 56in
Arms: 17in
Legs: 25in
Calves: 15in (fuck)
Neck: 18in
Waist: 33.5in
For those of you who followed my last journey, I was planning on competing in September but due to a serious illness, not to mention some lagging parts, and a left knee injury, I decided to hold off on that. I plan on competing this upcoming May. But first I need to put some more size on to my frame. This time I am not concerned with what the scale says, but rather what the mirror shows. I will be bulking until the new year, so I hope to be able to put between a 1/2 inch and an inch onto each body part (just not my waist lol).
I will be doing a clean bulk, with max 3 cheat meals per week. The way that has worked for me in the past is carb cycling so I will continue to use what works. The plan is 350g of carbs on workout days and about 200 non workout days. Protein will be consistently 320g+.
I haven't figured out specifics about the diet other than the food is going to be clean and that I will be eating 7 times per day. I just received all my supps that I will be using. The list includes:
Pak, Omega, Real Gains, Ultra Whey, EAA Nitro, Nitro, Beta Ala9, SuperPump 250, Waximaize
Training is going to be simple and basic. Machines and cables will be used sparingly, I'm focused on the DBs and BBs. I'm really not concerned with how heavy things are this go round. Heavy isn't a number, it's a feeling, and I finally understand that. I'm preparing a 5 day split as I type this and it's coming along quite well. I finally have a workout partner that understands why I do this shit. Curls are not for the girls. They're for me.
I'm psyched for this off season. I feel that as long as I am injury free this will be the best one ever. Follow along, leave your comments and your criticisms. I love when people offer up their opinions, makes me a more well rounded individual.
This will all begin this Sunday August 24th. I'm moving back to school and have tons of things to do over the course of this week so it's an off week going into what should be the best bulk ever.