Even at a young age, I saw value in turning the negative into a positive. This set a pattern that never stopped in my life. Most of us don’t have the best of luck but we are still around right? There is nothing really unique about this instinctive survival mechanism we have and the desire to right the wrong.
Nothing is a waste of time if you follow a crooked path, if you seem lost, hopeless or scared. All that matters is that you stay true to your values that feel strongest. This same principle remains with training in our lives and the whole point of my title above.
The news is filled with negativity and the fear of INCREASED TAXATION. I ask you to CELEBRATE WITH ME, a truly different meaning and a positive one at that; in plain terms.
INCREASED TAXATION now means INCREASING TAXATION on muscle fibers through the addition of more working sets. (Can you get any more meat head?) The celebration goes like this; WE add a few more sets to our routine on the best mass builders and in doing so we change a negative title into a positive one! (Pack on some more lean mass...always a good thing!)
Wake up your CNS
Raise your BMR
Increase appetite
Get stronger, bigger and leaner
Increase Taxation