Doubt has been my biggest enemy. It's not the negative comments I've received from friends, family and co-workers. It's not the jeers I get from haters. Those things only serve to fuel the fire. The fire itself however exists within my own mind. If I let those words affect me, they blow the coals of the fires of doubt and my old mind takes off running with it.
I haven't been long in the iron life, however I am not new to living. I've been down a lot of empty roads in my time. Looking for a reason to live my life. That peace I've found with God. He is the one that has given me the body I live in. If I gave you a car to drive around in because you were my son, and I saw that you did nothing but neglect it, put crap fuel in it, never changed it's oil, never washed it and drove it with reckless regard... I'd be a bit offended I'm sure. I feel that God feels the same way about the body he gave me to live my life in. He expects me to take care of it. Nurture it. Feed it good fuel, exercise it and show some self respect and true appreciation for what I've been given.
I lift, I eat, I sleep, when the morning comes, I walk the walk that I talk and I do it all again. Sometimes the road is windy, sometimes it is straight, the speed limit changes. There are stop signs and red lights, yield signs and warning lights. There is much more than just one fork in the road. Some days, it's all forks, connected by a few roads. Other days are just one long highway. Learning how to operate in all these circumstances is the life of the iron man. When, what and how much to eat. When to lift heavier, when to do more reps, when to switch it up, when to stop. Wisdom comes with experience and from watching those who have forged on ahead of us.
In my mind I still hear them, the whispers, the taunts, the doubts... they tell me every day what it is that I cannot do. I've threatened them, chased them off with loud music, ignored them, got mad at them, I've tried a lot of things but it seems they are still there. Everyday. Every time. No matter how many times I've proven them wrong! I've shown them over and over again, they are wrong! Dead wrong! I can do it! I can do anything I put my mind to! Still, with no regard for my past and present victories, they press on, almost as if they are more determined to bring me down than I am to crush them...
I've found a new weapon. It's a good one. It isn't new. In fact our forefathers used this tactic to win many a war in the past. If your best shots can't bring down the enemy, then beat him at his own game! It's time to deploy the old school weaponry that has served us so well in the past...
...When doubts come, I doubt them back...
You can't pull 500 lbs off the pins dood, your back will give out if you try- I doubt that!
No way you are going to be able to grow lean muscle tissue at your age, you waited too long, don't even try- I doubt that!
You wont last at this more than a year tops- I doubt that!
Tire um out, wear um down at their own game. I doubt every single doubt that comes into my mind. I can do it, I can do it all, and I WILL!
I share with you all today, that I sincerely doubt that any of my doubts will ever get the best of me again...
~it's only just begun