I've been afforded an opportunity to give Project Z, a test spin, and can't wait to get started!!! Monday... January 4th, I begin full Contest Prep, and will need all the recovery help I can get!!!
Ewww! New stuffies to do thingies with! I'm down. :)
"It's all about the blood, the sweat, the tears... A tribute to the strength built through the years." - Machine Head
"In all things that you do, do not strive to be admired or loved for the battles you have won. Keep your head down, your shoulder square to the wheel, and drive yourself beyond anything you ever thought possible." - Machine
Count me in. Can't wait to hear your opinion and see the results.
Originally Posted by Necromatrix
Ewww! New stuffies to do thingies with! I'm down. :)
Originally Posted by NJC_Manhattan
Im in.
Great to have you guys!!! Just waiting, ever so patiently, for it to arrive... I'm looking forward to putting this to the test with the rigors of contest prep!!!
Nah! Just building anticipation amongst your readers. :)
"It's all about the blood, the sweat, the tears... A tribute to the strength built through the years." - Machine Head
"In all things that you do, do not strive to be admired or loved for the battles you have won. Keep your head down, your shoulder square to the wheel, and drive yourself beyond anything you ever thought possible." - Machine
It arrived yesterday in a nice shiny can... I took my first dose, last night, and if it continues to treat me how it did last night... It will become "My PRECIOUSSSSSS!!!" *LOL*