Getting Back to Tank Status
Well, I figure my old thread can go the way of the Dinosaur, the Dodo and the Leprechaun, seeing as the title is "Oh Hey, That Guy's Back"....
So, the title is self explanatory. I'm working on getting back to what I was last summer, but better. I'm a big guy at 6'2", and right now roughly 210-220lbs (been a while since I've stepped up on the scale). My body fat isn't out of control but it isn't where it should be, either. I have muscle definition, and my upper abs are visible (although not well defined). My family is a "big" family. Not necessarily overweight, just tall, broad and well...big.
I'm in the EMS Academy. I finished up my EMT-BASIC program and I'm starting PARAMEDIC in the fall. That's pretty much my life, and whatever time is left over is put in to family, friends, girlfriend and personal time (e.g. lifting).
If you've been following along in my old log, you'll already know that I've been on a big circuit kick. It's been working out pretty well. I don't always know when my next workout is going to come, so it's good to get it all in at once. I change up the weights, movements and order if I do consecutive days. Cardio is also big. Treadmill work. I actually LIKE doing cardio. It's a good break from life to just watch TV or read.
I've never liked setting goals for fitness. It's not a matter of a fear of failure, it's just, for me, been more of a "whatever happens, happens. Just give it hell". So, I'll throw out some broad goals: I want to lower my body fat while retaining muscle. I want to increase my cardiovascular endurance.
So, let's get down to plans and junk:
Food: ALOT, clean too. I'm not calorie counting. I'm trying to take in as much clean fuel as possible as often as possible. Occasionally I'll let myself splurge and eat some junk. But to be honest it just makes me feel sick now. I'm trying to take in as much lean meat as possible, but a lot of times I have to settle on a shake because I'm on the go. Ground Chuck cooked up loose with marinara sauce has been my staple for a while. I also put crushed red pepper on everything.
Supps: Pak, Universals Super Cuts and Universals Natural Sterol Complex. I'm using EAS (or something) protein powder. It came in a doggie bag at Costco. It tastes kind of chalk-like, but it mixes smooth and doesn't make me feel bloated after I chug a shake.
Training Schedule: I try to do 4-6 sessions of cardio, 30-60 minutes a week. The more the better. I try to get 3 circuit days in a week, too. Depending on the weight and reps I could do as little as 2 run throughs to as many as 7. Remember, this is a total body circuit, not just individualized body parts.
So let's get at it.