yo brothers i started using animal pump about 2 weeks ago and let me say im more energetic and focused in the gym i feel noticibly stronger and more confident when i approach the weight
I've taken NO Explode for most of the winter, but Animal is my tried and true supp company and I'll be switching to Pump and Stak2 next month. Sorry for the adultery!
Raleigh, NC Originally from the small town of Abingdon, VA. Nothing but Good Ol' Boys.
I have used several pre workout supplements and N.O. products and I for one think Animal Pump is the best I have used thus far.
I dont need to mention any of the other supplement names for as stated in the rules we are not here to bash or stress about other supplement brands or companies.
As far as I am concerned this will be a staple in my supplement line right along side my pak. Its that important to me and I love the shit.
I guess you gotta do what you gotta do for what works best for you fellas.
Spartans! Enjoy your breakfast, for tonight we dine in Hell!
"IN GOD WE TRUST" Animal Strong!
A wise Animal told me..........every time you hit it...leave a dent.......Thanks Russ (k1usa)
Animal Pump is the BEST EVER pre-workout supplement you can ever take. Talk aobut skin spliting pump every time you take it, no matter what your working. And I love how the energy is just enough, not like other ones that have you runnnig around the gym from set to set. Perfect Product Animal!!!
Let me tell you, I wanted to change things up, I have never been serious about lifting until recently and I wanted to cover all my bases, I started with my diet, and I am trying to get it totally clean, Its at least 400x better than it was.
I also stacked Animal Pump with Stak2, the pack and Nitro and DAMN! I feel AMAZING, the pump throughout my workout was amazing and I dont feel as sore afterwards, I can tell that I hit the gym, but nothing like it used to be, Im hoping the results will be as impressive as it seems so far!
Today in the locker room just leaving, I went to put my jacket on and grab the hood with my hand and flip it up... aaannnnnd I couldn't. My biceps were so swollen today that I couldn't reach my hand to my head. Seems fucked up to most people, but thank you Animal Pump!
At first i was skeptical as to what this stuff could do for me but after my first arm workout with it man i was impressed, no bullshit this stuff simply works just like your other products. First time i used it i just didn't want to stop working. I love it.
"Ready for hell, ready for war, yea it's nice to be loved but i like bein' hated more"
im sorry for sayin animal pump was over rated cuz ITS THE SHIT!!! i had taken it 3 times before but i was takin it with my pre work out meal then i decided to finish the can (since i paid $45 for it) and i took it on an empty stomach and the first time i did i felt and saw a difference!!!! im NEVER using NO xplode again keep it up universal, keep it up
With Animal Pump i mainly just felt an energy boost myself. I took Universal's Shock Therapy which has almost identical ingredients and I feel more of a pump using that, but I guess it all comes down to what works best for you and your preference to a powder vs pills. I suggest trying both Pump and Shock Therapy (at different times) to see which will work best for you individually. Also, taking Shock Therapy pre-workout and Storm post-workout worked especially good for me personally.
It's different taking so many pills ...... I love the energy ....... the pump has been solid ....... not earth shattering, but perhaps I may have something to do with that .....
Question - In the FAQs of Pump - It says this all the creatine I need ..... No post workout such as Storm or CellMass necessary or even a night time shot of one of these two for recovery?
I tried NO Xplode. I admit, the first few days were spectacular... but the stuff is hard to choke down, burns up fast and just never actually pumped anything. Maybe it's the physiology. I cycled off and tried Pump and could immediately tell a difference. Not only did I feel it more in my muscles but it stuck around, without the dehydrating effect I felt with NO Xplode. So, hands down, it's Pump for me - and I'll never go back.
...Or else I wouldn't be here.