Day 3: Shoulders
FST-7 Shoulders/Rear Delts/Traps
Seated dumbbell press 4 x 8-12
Barbell or dumbbell front raise 3 x 8-12
Dumbbell lateral raise 3 x 8-12
Lateral raise machine 7 x 8-15
Reverse pec flys 3-4 x 12-15
Rear delt rope pulls 7 x 12-15
Dumbbell shrugs 3 x 8-12
Barbell shrugs 7 x 8-15
Todays workout was not the greatest. I got through it and ended up feeling like I accomplished what I set out to do. Nothin special today but I got it done. For some reason Agent O did not really kick in at all. I think it was just an off day since the past two days were amazing. Overall I'd rate my workout a 6/10 because I was happy that I got through the whole workout. Thursday is my day off so hopefully Friday will be back to normal.
The volume is impressive! How are you not happy with that workout? Glad to see someone else is putting in some serious work.
The volume is impressive! How are you not happy with that workout? Glad to see someone else is putting in some serious work.
Thanks man. I was happy that I got through the workout but just not happy that Agent O didn't kick in that much. Getting through that workout was a bitch though lol but at then end of the day my shoulders were sore when I woke up and are still sore now which means somethin is workin.
Thanks man. I was happy that I got through the workout but just not happy that Agent O didn't kick in that much. Getting through that workout was a bitch though lol but at then end of the day my shoulders were sore when I woke up and are still sore now which means somethin is workin.
Nice! Be careful of overtraining, especially the shoulders!
Nice! Be careful of overtraining, especially the shoulders!
When do you take Agent O?
Feeling much better today. Legs are a bit sore still and the shoulders feel stronger. I take my Agent O 45 minutes before I workout. Today I'll be taking it at 2:40 ish. I'll have my back workout posted after I return.
Pull-ups wide grip 3 x 8-12
Deadlifts 4 x 8-12
One arm dumbbell rows 3 x 8-12
Bent over barbell rows reverse grip 3 x 8-12
Seated cable rows with rope attachment. 4 x 8-12
Straight arms pulldowns with rope attachment 7 x 8 -15
Todays workout was good. Agent O kicked in however I'm noticing that, although I did like the effects at first, it basically makes me feel flushed and it all goes to my head. I was in the gym today and felt so head high from the energy that I really couldn't workout hard. I had to wait a bit before really starting. Getting into the workout I felt better but I just didn't have that physical pump that I normally get from my other pre workout. I think that there are two types of pre workouts; one that hits your head and one that hits your body. At least this is how I feel how pre workouts hit me. I prefer a physical hit because I can get my own focus but a head hit is almost overwhelming for me. Agent O is definitely good and is very potent but I feel that the effect of it makes me get all flushed and to head high to workout. I would asses my workout today as a 6/10 because after a while agent o kinda wears down and your left with just that energy from being in the gym and naturally warmed up.
I noticed that 'head high' type feeling myself the other day.
That is what is called, "Focus". It can be intense for those not use to it. Agent O triggers the chemicals in the brain which enhances your focus and can stimulate what is known as tunnel vision.
That is what is called, "Focus". It can be intense for those not use to it. Agent O triggers the chemicals in the brain which enhances your focus and can stimulate what is known as tunnel vision.
Don't let it worry you.
Its not that I let it worry me but I feel really uncomfortable; like I don't want to move around. Like I'll try to lift and i'll get through a set and be like "oh dam I gotta take a break".
FST-7 Arms
1st set rope pulldowns warm up set 3 x / 12 -15
Close grip bench presses 3 x / 8-12
Machine dips 3 x / 10-12
Straight bar pulldown 3 x / 8-12
Skullcrushers 7 x 10
Dumbbell curls 3 x 8-12
One arm preacher curls 3 x 8-12
Spider curls 3 x 8-12
Standing ez-bar curls 7 x 10
Today I took 4 pills out of the 7 and felt much better. That head high was not as intense and I was able to build up a great pump the whole workout. Needless to say I think I get the best results when lowering the dosage. Todays workout was a definite 9/10; I would have given it a ten but I started to fade out towards the end and struggled on the last few sets of the fst easy curls. Other than that I was beyond happy with my performance as well as Agent O.
Today I took 4 pills out of the 7 and felt much better. That head high was not as intense and I was able to build up a great pump the whole workout. Needless to say I think I get the best results when lowering the dosage. Todays workout was a definite 9/10; I would have given it a ten but I started to fade out towards the end and struggled on the last few sets of the fst easy curls. Other than that I was beyond happy with my performance as well as Agent O.
i actually did the same, but ended up splitting the dose instead. i took 4 caps about an hour before my workout, and then another 4 as i started. the split dose helped by prolonging the effects so that i made it until the end of the workout. definitely no fading....
i actually did the same, but ended up splitting the dose instead. i took 4 caps about an hour before my workout, and then another 4 as i started. the split dose helped by prolonging the effects so that i made it until the end of the workout. definitely no fading....
thats a good idea too. I feel like the effects on 4 pills is still really good but not so overpowering that I feel like I can't move. I felt much much better on 4 pills then on 7.
Hanging leg raises 5 x 25
Lying leg raises 5 x 25
Seated abdominal crunches 5 x 20-8
Leg press calf press 4 x 15-8
Weighted donkey raises fst-7 x 12
I took 4 capsules of agent o and again felt great. The focus was there and was able to get a great pump from abs. After I did the donkey raises I felt like I was going to puke; a sure sign my calves probably wanted to die. I'm lovin the effects of a lowered dosage of agent o; I'll be able to take it longer than 14 days too.
Incline dumbbell press 3-4 x 8-12 (new pr 105's for 8)
Incline dumbbell flys 3 x 8-12
Flat dumbbell flys 3 x 8-12
Pec deck or cable crossover 7 x 8-12
Standing calf raise 4 x 10-12
Seated calf raise 4 x 15-20
Donkey raise 7 x 10-12
Took 4 pills of agent o and felt grrrreat! Hit a new personal record and was able to bang out the rest of my workout with no interruptions or feelings of fatigue. Todays workout was a definite 10/10.. and on a side note my black universal tank top came so i'm having a great day so far.
Flying home to NJ for thanksgiving... no time for legs today. Will hit them on Thursday instead. Everything is packed and my Agent O is safe and sound in between my socks for added cushion and support.
Did my FST-7 Routine again for delts. My strength is definitely back but I feel like going a bit lighter on shoulders and really controlling the movement is much better and I can also feel it a lot better than just flinging dumbbells around. Felt a bit tired from the flight last night but Agent O helped me get my focus to get in and get out. Another solid workout today.
Leg Press 4 x 15-8
Leg Extensions 3 x 12-8
Dumbbell Squats 3 x 10-6
Leg Curls 3 x 12-8
FST-7 Squats 7 x 10
Donkey calf raises FST-7 7 x 10
Hit a new record on leg curls and man todays workout was awesome! Agent O kicked in within 15 minutes and it was off to the races. Todays workout was a definite 10/10. I cannot wait to eat all this turkey and get my legs growing. Hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving!
Why the hell do you work out ur legs.. Just run stupid
A raised weight can produce work, but in doing so it must necessarily sink from its height, and, when it has fallen as deep as it can fall, its gravity remains as before, but it can no longer do work.
Hermann von Helmholtz
Why the hell do you work out ur legs.. Just run stupid
Todays workout was back. Definitely feeling stronger than the week before.
FST-7 Back
Pull-ups wide grip 3 x 8-12
Deadlifts 4 x 8-12
One arm dumbbell rows 3 x 8-12
Bent over barbell rows reverse grip 3 x 8-12
Seated cable rows with rope attachment. 4 x 8-12
Straight arms pulldowns with rope attachment 7 x 8 -15
Hit a personal record on the db rows (100's for 6). Taking 4 pills of Agent O has really been working great for me and has been churning out great workouts day after day. I'm happy I was able to work around those weird feelings I would get while taking 7. On a side note; legs feel sore as hell from yesterday.