"A warrior chooses a path with heart, any path with heart, and follows it; and then he rejoices and laughs. He knows because he sees that his life will be over altogether too soon. He sees that nothing is more important than anything else.” - Carlos Castaneda
"Nothing will destroy a lifter faster, or for longer, than ego." - Jim Wendler
Oh hell yeah I'm still performing 5/3/1! Just trying to find that fine line between overtraining and training hard. What I meant was that I will perform more than three sets for 5/3/1 and the power accessory exercises.
Great Monday! I love Mondays, it's the start of a new week and no one has a clue as to what is going to happen!
Tore my back apart and hit a new PR on deadlift (a new 5 Rep PR). I really enjoy my new style of training and I moved much quicker through my workout. Started week one of Month 2 on the 5/3/1 Program with the 5's on deadlift.
I am going to miss being on Agent O having everyone look at me like I'm nuts! The look on people faces when my eyes are lit up like a Christmas Tree from Agent O, it's just fun!
Threw in a few new movements and I will continue to change up my workouts week to week with the same amount of volume. This is the key to growth, my muscles are already sore. These are the benefits of never performing the same workouts week in and week out.
If you aren't going balls to the wall every workout, than why the fuck are you lifting weights? I saw some pussy in the gym talking on a cell phone. Go home and go play golf or something with the rest of the slaves out there. This game is for REAL individuals, not the weak. You're just in my way or using something I need and I'm getting pissed off....
Hell of a workout! Tore my chest up and hit another 5-Rep PR! The 5/3/1 program is very effective and I am loving it! I discovered a while back that the pills are most effective before my pre-workout meal on an empty stomach and are still as potent as the powder.
I still hit the heavy chain Bench Presses, but would also like to throw some Band work in there every other week. This way my muscles do not get use to one specific movement and will still see constant new growth. Bands will also be useful for other lifts as well.
I already ordered some nice knee sleeves with tightening straps. Got tired of constant wrapping. Had a feeling I should have ordered some bands! Oh well! I will get them..
Intense. You have to fight through failure and push your muscles no matter how shaky they may feel or how numb you "think" they really are. Your body can always go further. Pull the maxi pad out of your twat AND GET SWOLE!
WOW! Had one HELL of a shoulder workout! I hit a PR, even though it was one rep short of my goal it still felt good to hit ANOTHER PR! Agent O is the real deal my friends. I even hit a PR on barbell shrugs! The whole gym was watching me perform heavy shrugs. THE BARBELL WAS BENDING! It was sweet. I added a few 100 pound plates to show off =) Even seasoned pros stopped and just stared...
My shoulders are already sore, and a bit from yesterday as well. Got my new knee sleeves that have tightening straps at the top, bottom and middle. I got tired of wrapping 10-12 times, it probably adds 20 minutes to my workout! CAN'T WAIT for leg day tomorrow. My bands should also arrive tomorrow. I will be box squatting with bands, it's going to be intense...
Shoulders and Traps
*Rotator Warm Ups (always before every single workout)
Seated Dumbbell Military Presses
- 80 Pounds, 12 Reps
- 90 Pounds, 10 Reps
- 100 Pounds, 8 Reps (light spot on a few)
Seated Heavy Chain Smith Machine Military Presses (brought down slow to the chest and exploded up)
- First Link, 11 Reps
- Second Link, 7 Reps
- Third Link, 5 Reps
- Fourth Link, 3 Reps
- Fifth Link, 2 Reps
Decided to hit arms today. I will hit legs tomorrow because I am going out of town, deer hunting, from Monday through Wednesday. I will finish my training cycle tomorrow and start another with back on Saturday and Chest/Abs on Sunday. Training legs tomorrow will give my upper body a day of rest so I can avoid overtraining and muscle pulls.
Standing EZ Bar Curls
- Bar + 50 pounds, 14 Reps
- Bar + 60 Pounds, 12 Reps
- Bar + 70 Pounds, 9 Reps
Bent Over One Arm Cable Curls (Performed with Strict Form and a D Handle)
- 20 Pounds, 14 Reps
- 25 Pounds, 12 Reps
- 30 Pounds, 10 Reps
- 35 Pounds, 8 Reps
One Arm Dumbbell Forearm Curls
- 35 Pounds, 14 Reps
- 40 Pounds, 12 Reps
- 45 Pounds, 10 Reps
I let my abs rest since I hit them hard on Tuesday. Don't need my midsection to hurt while squatting and box squatting tomorrow!
There were some jackoffs performing half rep bench presses and everything else incorrectly with shitty form, makes me laugh. Every now and than a few of them show up when you do, unfortunately. I guess everyone isn't at our level out there or will ever be....
Today was the most fun I have ever had working out in the gym. I absolutely love my new Inzer Knee Sleeves and my new bands! Hit a new PR and performed 9 sets on box squats with my bands!!! The sleeves help tremendously by giving the knees more of a spring out of the hole! Love it!
I was having so much fun I was smiling and laughing the entire time I was box squatting! Every single person in the gym was staring at me and looked at me like I was from a different planet. It also helped that I found a new favorite Pantera song and was blaring it in my Ipod while box squatting (Pantera - Reprise (sandblasted skin)). Some jackoff that is upset at the world didn't even bother me. He was actually starting at me while I was squatting and box squatting! Hopefully, I inspired him to grab his balls and make life happen or it will crush you!
For Band Box Squatting, I wrap the bands near the clips on the barbell holding a plate on there. I than wrap the other end under the base support bar and put it on the rack hooks as high as I can (which is two up from the base support bar). I than add weight accordingly with a second clip holding the additional weight. The rack is a Hammer Strength Power Station, it's pretty sweet. My quads are so numb....
**I took my last dose of Agent O. I forgot to take the pills before my pre-workout meal and took them pre-workout. WOW!!! They kicked in hard after warming up leg extensions, right in time for my 5's on squat and box squatting. Honestly, I don't know what everyone is bitching about. The pills work fine. I guess since my Nutrition is so bulletproof and the intensity of my training helps my body suck up anything I put into it. I may not fall alseep right away, oh well!**
Agent O is the most intense phenomenon a human being can experience. Wish I had more...
Yep, I was like a kid in a candy store today! Leg day is by far my favorite! Sack up out there and hit your legs hard! I am tired of seeing men with disgusting girly legs that are smaller than my arms!!!
As I make my last post, I would just like to say thank you to Universal Nutrition and J-Dawg for allowing me to be a part of Round 2 of Agent O. Also, thank you to everyone who followed me through, yet again, another short journey!
My commentary is not meant to offend, but to inspire. Hopefully, everyone enjoyed it and felt motivated to go out into this world and conquer what you desire! Hard work will ALWAYS pay off in the short and long term. Remember that and apply it to every facet of your life!
On a personal note, I will being advertising for my business after the New Year. Keep me in your prayers and feel free to send any good karma my way! I'd love to start a Journey page, but I am just not sure if I will have enough time to post regularly. With my significant other moving in sometime early next year and running my own company, it may not be possible. If I decide to do so, I will post the link in here!
Thanks! This is a bit old, should I start a journey page?
got your pm, will give it a look soon, been really swamped lately....
"A warrior chooses a path with heart, any path with heart, and follows it; and then he rejoices and laughs. He knows because he sees that his life will be over altogether too soon. He sees that nothing is more important than anything else.” - Carlos Castaneda
"Nothing will destroy a lifter faster, or for longer, than ego." - Jim Wendler