Badass day of usual =) you know you're training like a hardass when everyone is watching you lift. This bear can be a bit aggressive...and it shows.
The pills kicked in really hard. I took them before my pre-workout meal and absolutely love the effects! By the time I enter the gym Agent O has kicked in 110%. Didn't really feel any tingling from the Beta-Alanine. I even take 5 pills of Universal's Beta Alan9 on top of the Agent O.
Performed the 3 3's part of 5/3/1 on my BP. Strength is going up. I have also added a 25 to each side while performing chain bench press. I have a feeling that I won't be able to move too much tomorrow without a lot of pec and shoulder stretching!
Chest and Abs
Flat Barbell Bench Press
- 135 Pounds, 12 Reps
- 185 Pounds, 9 Reps
- 225 Pounds, 6 Reps
- 265 Pounds, 3 Reps
- 285 Pounds, 3 Reps
- 305 Pounds, 3 Reps (Barely needed spot on third rep)
Incline Barbell Bench Press
- 185 Pounds, 12 Reps
- 205 Pounds, 10 Reps
- 225 Pounds, 7 Reps
Flat Barbell Chain Presses (have a 25 on each side, plus the massively thick chains)
- First Link, 15 Reps
- Second Link, 12 Reps
- Third Link, 9 Reps
- Fourth Link, 7 Reps
- Fifth Link, 5 Reps
Incline DB Flyes
- 40 Pounds, 15 Reps
- 45 Pounds, 13 Reps
- 50 Pounds, 11 Reps
- 55 Pounds, 9 Reps
Decline DB Pullovers
- 60 Pounds, 15 Reps
- 70 Pounds, 12 Reps
- 80 Pounds, 9 Reps
Seated Crunch Machine (200 Max Weight Stack)
- 120 Pounds, 30 Reps
- 130 Pounds, 24 Reps
- 140 Pounds, 16 Reps
Rope Crunches (150 Max Weight Stack)
- 150 Pounds, 30 Reps
- 150 plus a 10, 28 Reps
- 150 plus 2 10's, 26 Reps
Legs Ups SS with Side Twists
- 35 Reps, 25 Reps
- 30 Reps, 25 Reps
- 25 Reps, 25 Reps
Another great gym experience. Cannot wait for Agent O to get on the market.
Stay swole,