"A warrior chooses a path with heart, any path with heart, and follows it; and then he rejoices and laughs. He knows because he sees that his life will be over altogether too soon. He sees that nothing is more important than anything else.” - Carlos Castaneda
"Nothing will destroy a lifter faster, or for longer, than ego." - Jim Wendler
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Currently training in Grand Kai gym.
No ABC's in Saudi. Closest one is the Military in Kuwait. Thanks for the help though Shukin. Is there anyone in the FORVM in Saudi Arabia's west coast? A far fetch but worth the question.
You are more than welcome to start one, brother. Are you training with any guys now?
AKA TreeTrunkLegs
"I am the man responsible for who I am. When I look in the mirror each day, I stare my creator in the eyes. I am responsible for what I have and will become, I am accountable for what I will or will not accomplish. I believe in myself, I bow to no man and my only critic of any consequence has walked every mile of this journey in my size thirteens. " - G. Diesel
Mostly the captains at the gym, and a few gym buddies. But mainly it's my cousin and I.
What are the steps?
Just basically get some guys together, get them to sing up on here.
Set up a date, time and venue. Start a roll call. Then train, take pics, eat, ect. All about getting guys together and training. I can get you out some shirts as well, but the guys have to be on the FORVM.
AKA TreeTrunkLegs
"I am the man responsible for who I am. When I look in the mirror each day, I stare my creator in the eyes. I am responsible for what I have and will become, I am accountable for what I will or will not accomplish. I believe in myself, I bow to no man and my only critic of any consequence has walked every mile of this journey in my size thirteens. " - G. Diesel