Another year down the hatch, meaning another trip to Columbus, OH. The heartland of the blue collard work ethic and lifestyle that is everything Animal. To be back in Columbus after a long 12 months, it felt like yet again another homecoming of sorts. Seeing all of my Animal brethren, talking shop and training balls to the wall as always, it definitely was a breath of fresh air. While it's so easy to sit here and type about what I did and what/who I saw, I would feel it wrong to only share that portion of the weekend. Instead, I found myself reading between the lines this year, and I think I read pretty damn well.
The Animal Nation, emblazoned in Iconics marching towards the convention center in hords gives me much excitement and a feeling as optimistic as any. As always in true Animal fashion, they salute the Animal supporters, their loyal fan base. They always have a unique way of saying "thank you" year in and year out. While other companies may hand out free t-shirts and product samples, Animal does it different. They pay homage to their die-hard fans, calling us together at high-noon on Saturday. While it was a great moment in The Cage recognizing those who have paved the way for the ABC's, passing out free cans of Rage, and remembering an Animal who passed far too soon, I felt myself feeling a great sense of pride with my black iconic on standing in the corner.
If you're going to rep Animal, especially in the iron jungle, you damn well better earn the right. If that's the company you roll with in the gym, then make sure you're doing the damn thing. If you decide to toss on an Animal T, make sure you earn the Animal that's on your chest. Train balls to the wall, live the lifestyle and be the person you want to be. All of this, I felt, was culminated in the ABC Saturday night. Everyone reppin' the A, training as hard as possible. That atmosphere was electric, that attitude was infectious in it's own right. No one in there to show up the next person, but to continue business as usual, bettering themselves and lending a hand to those when needed. If there's another company that cares as much about their customers as Animal does, please bring them to the forefront.
Everyone that's in The Cage, they've earned it. Everyone that stepped on stage from the FORVM, they've earned it. Everyone that's ever stepped on a powerlifting stage and competed, yeah they've earned it too. The people who just love to train, and train hard every day in the gym, they earn theirs as well. Earn that "Animal" that's on your chest every time you put that T on. On the outside, it may just seem like a badass shirt, but to us, it's so much more.
I want to say thank you to Animal/Universal for yet again exceeding expectations and making this year's Arnold weekend a memorable experience.
Earn your "A"......