Yeah Sunday 1/14/07. A cheat day for me on my diet! Had a egg white, ham, cheese, and mushroom omelet and blueberry pancakes for meal #1 Meal #2 was a "deli" style chicken salad sandwich and sliced apples with peanut butter. Trained arms at home alone today in my basement (the dungeon) Was fired up and ready to grow...After my warm-ups, my right elbow was giving me some pain. So I did listen to my body and tried a new workout. I am an advocate of training heavy! But intensity also can be generated in other forms.
Exercise#1 I super-setted tricep cable push downs with a rope handle with close grip low pulley bicep cable curls. Moderate weight, 3 sets of 10-12 reps. My arms where pumped and thanks to the two previous cheat meals veins where out like crazy. Exercise #2 tried curl bar skull crushers, but the elbow was still giving me pain, so I did skull crushers on a decline bench with dumbbells and super-setted with seated dumbbell hammer curls. Heavy weight, 3 sets of 6-8 reps. Now my arms where on fire! Exercise #3 one arm seated dumbbell concentration curls super-setted with standing one arm dumbbell tricep extensions. Weight was light-moderate and only wanted to do 2 sets of 20 reps. I was tired and drained, my shirt was soaking with sweat, wanted to quit. But the "animal" inside me pushed me through 2 more sets. Finished up with 3 sets of decline crunches and 3 sets of hanging leg raises for 30 reps each.
I had all intentions of doing heavy close grips, curl bar skull crushers, dips, standing barbell curls, seated alternate dumbbell curls and preacher curls, but I did listen to by body and still got a great workout and had a tremendous pump in my arms. You can still train hard and smart. Try this arm workout yourself and be prepared to "shock" new growth into your bis and tris.