Brent, it was soooo awesome meeting you!!! You are a BEAST!!!!! I mean that in a good way! Bobby and I are so glad we finally got to meet you and watch you lift. My favorite part was getting the opportunity to feel your back when I rubbed the lotion on it. I have met only a rare few people who have such powerful backs, so getting that chance was a pleasure for me. You have some of the thickest erectors I have ever felt!! You are one of the nicest and kindest people we have ever met. You are mad strong and have so much power!!!! Yet you are a gentle beast and so kind. I love that about you!!! I wanted so bad to scoop you up and bring you home with us! Please keep being you!!! You are our future in our sport. You're turning heads already and will continue to do so. Thank you so much for being so supportive and know that we all love you!!!!