This thread will be a placeholder for each ATPers final Project Stak feedback.
What was asked at the beginning...
--Monitor how it affects the main lifts.
Did you increase your weight in any of these lifts while on Project Stak? If training for reps, did you experience any increase in reps?
• Bench
• Squat
• Deads
• Other lifts you perform on a weekly basis that can be tracked
--Take your starting weight and your finishing weight after using Animal Stak. How much did you gain while on Project Stak?
--For those who are able to monitor body fat %-- did you lose any bodyfat while on Project Stak?
--How was your recovery while on Project Stak? Increased/Same/Less
--Did you notice any increase in libido? Yes/No
--Did you experience any reduction fatigue? Yes/No
--Please summarize your full thoughts about Project Stak.