Ahhh, got ya. Not much into soccer (football) but when I lived in Korea during the World Cup, it opened my eyes and it was probably some of the most fun I had watching sports in my life. The whole country was alive and filling the streets with chants, booze, and good times.
When the World Cup was held in Germany 2006, the whole country went nuts as well. It was like a month long street party :D
Too bad that hasn't caught on in the States! I figure it's because our teams always suck and lose quick if we actually make the World Cup. Didn't think I'd enjoy it but watching the World Cup is very enjoyable!
How come the US is so great at all sports (seriously) but you suck at soccer?
We don't have fancy German keyboards here in the States =)
Originally Posted by Rex
When the World Cup was held in Germany 2006, the whole country went nuts as well. It was like a month long street party :D
Sounds AWESOME! Sounds like no one was at work either, LOL!
Originally Posted by Rex
How come the US is so great at all sports (seriously) but you suck at soccer?
With dominant alpha male sports like American Football, soccer never stood a chance! It's never been really accepted and is primarily played by foreigners. Example: growing up in public schools, the Mexican kids always played soccer and white guys and brotha's played Football. This is more traditional of how things go; therefore, soccer has never really been accepted as a real sport in the US. It's growing in popularity since all of Central/South America and a lot of Europe is all trying to move here.
The World Cup is a blast to watch! If the US actually went and placed well, I think it would start becoming more accepted as a Primary sport. Until than, I don't see it being taken very seriously.
When the World Cup was held in Germany 2006, the whole country went nuts as well. It was like a month long street party :D
Yeah, it was an amazing time. I still remember the Korean chant for their team and have a Red Devil ( I think that was their team) headband. Imagine my big tattooed white American ass leading Korean chants and sharing good times with all. Great memories.
How come the US is so great at all sports (seriously) but you suck at soccer?
Because there’s no money in it here, so the best athletes gravitate elsewhere. Just looked, and the highest paid MLS player in the US is making $6.2 mil per year. Mike trout, a baseball player, just signed a contract for $33 mil per year, which is in line with the highest basketball and football salaries, as well.
Because there’s no money in it here, so the best athletes gravitate elsewhere. Just looked, and the highest paid MLS player in the US is making $6.2 mil per year. Mike trout, a baseball player, just signed a contract for $33 mil per year, which is in line with the highest basketball and football salaries, as well.
That's part of it for sure! Soccer was never popular here because it never became part of our culture. It was always viewed as a sport that's played in the old world.
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