This year will be my eighth consecutive trip to Columbus for the Cage, and over the years I've picked up a few things about how to optimize the experience. Below is my compiled list of "survival tips," along with those that others have added in over the years. If you've never been to the Expo or The Cage, I hope these tips will help you to have the best time possible.
1.Buy your expo tickets online.
It's generally cheaper and it can save you time. On Ticketmaster with fees a 3-pack of Expo tickets is $33.00, while according to the Arnold website wristbands will be $15.00 at the door. When you get there you just exchange your ticket for a wristband, takes about 10 seconds.
They do sell wristbands directly at the doors, which is better than the old system where you had to get your tickets and then exchange them for a wristband. You never know what the lines might be like though, so personally I prefer to have my tickets in hand ahead of time just in case.
Here's what Dee had to add:
Also, just past the top of the South stairs/escalators, where the tunnel connects the Hyatt to the Expo Center (right next to the doors where the shuttle buses pick up/drop off) there is a banding station set up for both sales and ticket exchange that you can usually get through really quickly.
2. Bring in food and water.
The expo center is hot and crowded, and you will get thirsty. Getting to a fountain or a concession stand can quite honestly be an ordeal, and while there normally is a water cooler in The Box, we're usually burning through almost as fast as I can slam a ten sack of sliders...and that is fast. I recommend a gallon water jug with a handle. They're cheap (usually around a buck at the store), and you can refill it or just chuck it when it's empty.
Food at the expo center can be pricey. And again, the lines can get long and just getting somewhere can take quite some time with the crowds. And year after year it seems like the samples are getting fewer and smaller, so don't necessarily count on sustaining yourself on free stuff. On the plus side, you can bring in bags. Those re-usable thermal grocery bags they sell are great, especially since they're cheap so it's not a big deal if it gets destroyed or whatever.
Here's what my man rev8ball had to add on the subject:
This is definitely true. There are some great places right across from the Convention Center on High Street, and there also is a decent food court in the downstairs part of the Hyatt (which is attached to the Convention Center).
If you do grab some samples, remember to practice moderation and be wary of what you might be mixing. Many of the booths will have little sample cups of stuff they're handing out, and several different blends/formulas of different protein shakes/drinks and what not sloshing around in your gut can lead to an upset stomach or worse.
Flash419 had this important tip to add:
That's the truth right there. I also hear stories of people having rainbow shits after mixing a bunch of different stuff.
3. Bring in a backpack.
Like I said, one of the great things about the expo is that you can bring in bags. It's a lot easier to carry all the cool Animal schwag you pick up on your back then it is in a shopping bag, especially when it comes to navigating through the shoulder-to-shoulder crowds. Plus, you can use this to carry your food and what not. Also, while the outside may be cold, it will be hot as balls in the Expo Center, so it's nice to be able to stuff your coat somewhere rather than carry it. And finally, it will give you that little extra space so you won't have some bro-dude in a schmedium shirt breathing on the back of your neck.
As for free bags, some of the booths hand out huge-ass bags that are great for carrying samples and what have you, and these come in handy. Some of them are pretty thick, so they hold up well. They can get heavy though, and it's a bitch to be weaving around people with one. So I usually just keep the samples in there and put the bigger stuff (shirts, etc) in my backpack.
4. Wear comfortable shoes.
You'll be standing and walking a lot. Duh.
5. Be ready for the crowds.
If you've never been, then you probably have no idea. Over 100,000 people come to the Expo, and I am not exaggerating when I say that it is literally a sea of people walking shoulder to shoulder.
Here is a birds-eye-view picture for an idea:
If there is something you want to see besides The Cage, go as early as possible. If you can make it on Friday, even better. The place fills up FAST and moving around gets to be a huge pain-in-the-ass, even on Friday. And popular stuff will sell out fast.
Hit up The Cage first thing, as the limited edition stuff goes quick. Hell, even the non limited-edition stuff moves like hotcakes. The Cage is the place to be, Animal is the shit, and everybody knows this.
Here's a gem that rev8ball offered when it comes to this subject of crowds and what not:
Couldn't have said it better myself.
6. The bathrooms.
They fucking smell. Remember the bathroom in Trainspotting?
Yeah, like that.
Like I said, the Expo is one crowded place. And the bathrooms get pretty ripe. The staff bust their asses to do the best they can, but it is a Sisyphean endeavor to keep them clean. Plain and simple, they aren't. If you're a dude and you just have to take a quick piss, then it's not too bad. If you're going to drop a deuce, then my advice is to seek out one of the restrooms further away from the main hall. I myself have taken many an escalator ride to one of the upper floors to find a suitable throne. Seriously, it really is worth it to go straight out of the main expo hall doors and up the escalators to those bathrooms if you need to shit.
As for the ladies, I have never been in those facilities, so I have no fucking idea what you may or may not be getting into. My sister-in-iron deanna7272 gave me a hand with this one:
And there you have it.
7. Bring cash.
Most, if not all booths are cash only. There are ATMs, and if I recall correctly one bank has a booth where they have several set up. However, there are of course the dreaded ATM fees, not to mention potential lines, and as I already mentioned fighting the crowd in general. I have also seen several ATMs there run out of money, I shit you not. Save yourself the trouble and come with the greenbacks firmly in hand.
8. Always have a camera ready and a pen/sharpie with you.
You never know who you're going to run into or where. Besides the various people who are at booths, there are many other powerlifters, bodybuilders, athletes, and whatnot wandering around at any given time. Two years ago a bunch of us ran into Ed Coan while walking around, and luckily we had a camera handy.
My man D-Nutz had this to share:
So there you go.
9. Prepare yourself physically.
The Cage weekend can be quite the taxing experience. Many of us travel to get there, which in and of itself can be tiring. And then there are those who go and train Thursday/Friday/Saturday night, which can add to the fatigue. Most of the people I know end up getting less sleep than usual while in Columbus, so that only makes things worse. Add in long days of standing/walking at the expo itself, which definitely takes its toll. Needless to say it pays to be prepared.
Universal Rep offered this advice last year:
Solid advice for sure.
Fellow Chicago ABC member twoheadedboy offered up this gem as well:
Definitely a good idea if you can swing it.
Besides stocking up on sleep, make sure to drink enough water before, during, and after the expo. Make sure to eat a good solid breakfast before you get there each day as well. Plan to eat and drink a little more than usual if you can. Extra food and water won't make up for loss of sleep, but they certainly do help. I know these are basic nutritional tips that apply to pretty much everything, but it never hurts to have a reminder.
Well, that's about all I have. Hopefully this information will be useful, I know I could have used some of this information the first year I went.
If you have anything else to add please go ahead and do so in this thread.