Hey brothers, so back in the states I live in Edmond, Oklahoma which is basically Oklahoma City but I got deployed with my Army unit to Afghanistan. We've been here since Feb 8, 2014. Back home, I'm a HUGE Animal and Universal Nutrition advocate and supporter and training to compete in my first NPC bodybuilding show before being deployed. I was not going to let being deployed stop my dreams of stepping on stage and living and spreading the Animal lifestyle. I contacted naturalguy1 and my buddy Chase, and with their help I was able to put on two Animal Barbell Club events over here at my base in Afghanistan. Both times we had over 20 service members representing 5 different countries (U.S., United Kingdom, Romania, Georgian, and German). It was a great event that brought people from several different countries to the same location to experience and participate in something we all enjoy, training! We handed out ABC shirts and bumper stickers, provided to us by naturalguy1, and from my own personal supplements I made Universal Whey protein shakes for everyone. We had a great time and I can't thank everyone from Animal and Universal Nutrition enough for supporting us downrange here. I planned and coordinated another ABC event over here for July 4th and can't wait for another great day. After returning home from my deployment, I plan on returning to Oklahoma City and starting an OKC ABC Chapter for other Animals to come and train together. This is what I love to do! If I can figure out how to upload pictures onto here, I have plenty for everyone to view. Thanks again everybody for the help and support!