''I came home to find out that my boys received two trophies for nothing, participation trophies!''...''While I am very proud of my boys for everything they do and will encourage them till the day I die, these trophies will be given back until they EARN a real trophy.''
-James Harrison
"Sports days in schools are either being cancelled entirely, or at the very least every single kid who takes part gets a medal so that the losers don't feel bad.
From an early age, our youngsters, our future, are being rewarded for little more than mediocrity. Regardless of how much effort they put in, they get rewarded.
Is this having an effect in later life? How many times have we seen skinny-ass lads going through the motions in the gym? Throw up some reps on the bench, with shit form, then spend 10 minutes texting, talking to their equally skinny-ass buddies, walking round with their hands in their pockets before deciding to go back for another set, then maybe grab a sandwich from the counter on the way out and that's their food done for the next 6 hours until tea.
They do this for a year, and see no progress. But they've been brought up to expect to have something to show for their 'efforts'. They turned up for sports day, jogged the 100m, came last and got a medal. How come they've spent a year 'working out' and have got nothing to show?
Hang on, that guy over there, he's been here for a year and he's put on some quality size & is lifting heavier weights than he used to. WHATS HIS SECRET? Where's my reward for just showing up??"
Rewarding mediocrity leads to the unfortunate situation in which we now find ourselves. Where the hardworking folk get eyed suspiciously and doubted by the lazy, because our progress has caused them to think that we've found some amazing shortcut to results.
I want what's owed to me. Everybody does. But not everybody wants to fucking earn it.