What's your favorite bodypart to train and why? And vice versa, what's your least favorite bodypart to train?
I dont have a particular one i like to train because for some reason, theres always a bodypart that comes easy (pumped, strong, looks good etc) for a period of time while another body part is more challenging to exhaust. I dont know why that rotation happens but i notice it. I've been having some difficulty having good back sessions lately but have had some insane chest and arm sessions. But in a month that could be different.
The least favorite part to train is legs, particularly quads and consequently, they are my worst bodypart. It's not because its challenging. Its just because its not a flashy thing to train especially when you dont have world record wheels. I purposely put my leg workout on saturdays so im not rushed or stressed and can take my time and do it right rather than be rushed during the week trying to get it in
Whats the one thing fires you up to be the best GSIX you could possibly be?
AKA TreeTrunkLegs
"I am the man responsible for who I am. When I look in the mirror each day, I stare my creator in the eyes. I am responsible for what I have and will become, I am accountable for what I will or will not accomplish. I believe in myself, I bow to no man and my only critic of any consequence has walked every mile of this journey in my size thirteens. " - G. Diesel