Man, as I've been coming back from getting hurt, I've hit this scenario so many times. I remember thinking "You were deadlifting in the 600s weekly, 405 is nothing" and then my grip would give out or I couldn't get the bar off the damn floor. I'd be pissed. One time, I may or may not have kicked a shaker cup... (hey, it's a small gym and I was by myself lol). But I'd get that 'fire' and drop the weight to 225 and just punish myself with reps until I was going to collapse. Next week, I'd hit 405. Then before I realized it, it was 425. Then 455. And the weight started climbing back up to what I felt was getting respectable again. Same shit with Squats. That 'fire under my ass' is the greatest thing you can have when it comes to this. You'll crush 670, because you're mad.