I am preparing for my first powerlifting meet, I was thinking about up the frequency on certain lifts but also temporarily changing them out so my body could recover faster
For back squats I typically do high bar because of some shoulder issues, I was thinking about doing most of my back squats with a safety squat bar so I could still work on my squat while I work on my shoulder mobility, also I was thinking about doing spoto presses for awhile instead of traditional pause bench because the latter is rougher on my shoulders( I think the bar tends to drift to one side a bit at the bottom of traditional pause bench). After I have done the spoto press I was thinking of doing a bunch of isolation work on shoulders and triceps since my lockout is typically weak.
Obviously not going to do this for all of my training up to the meet, I was thinking about cutting it out and returning to the basics about a month before the meet, just wanted to get somebody's opinion if that makes sense, or should I make adjustments like get back to the basics sooner, or any other advice on this subject?