Don’t we all kinda start out bodybuilding? We all wanted to have big arms as teenagers. As you get consistent with that it becomes a game of who can bench more with your bros. As you see results with that you wonder what else you are strong at and go from there. Some people get stuck right there, some quit, then there’s guys like us. You continue bodybuilding or search out some kind of strength pathway. I still love seeing my body change. I’m 50 now so there changes my body wants to make vs changes I make. The term “you vs you” takes on more meaning as you age. I’ve been out of action for almost a year. My body has been winning. I’m not quitting. I have so much fire and aggression saved up, the 2.5 lb weights don’t stand a chance LOL. I’ve lost so much physically. I’m surprised how fast it goes. I’m getting it back. I know I won’t be hitting 405 on the bench again. I’m sure I’ll be doing more bodybuilding style work outs. But I’m getting my body back.
Strength doesn't come from physical capacity. It comes from indomitable will. -Gandhi
You cannot dream yourself into a character. You must hammer and forge yourself into one. -Thoreau
Don’t we all kinda start out bodybuilding? We all wanted to have big arms as teenagers. As you get consistent with that it becomes a game of who can bench more with your bros. As you see results with that you wonder what else you are strong at and go from there. Some people get stuck right there, some quit, then there’s guys like us. You continue bodybuilding or search out some kind of strength pathway. I still love seeing my body change. I’m 50 now so there changes my body wants to make vs changes I make. The term “you vs you” takes on more meaning as you age. I’ve been out of action for almost a year. My body has been winning. I’m not quitting. I have so much fire and aggression saved up, the 2.5 lb weights don’t stand a chance LOL. I’ve lost so much physically. I’m surprised how fast it goes. I’m getting it back. I know I won’t be hitting 405 on the bench again. I’m sure I’ll be doing more bodybuilding style work outs. But I’m getting my body back.
Just another "Rocky" reference CD. LOL!
You never know CD, you just might surprise yourself in your efforts to find a better way to reach physical perfection!Bodybuilding might just be your answer!
I know a lot of strength athletes that would have a difficult time accepting your situation and would never consider bodybuilding as an option , but I did it for the better part of 50 years and I have to say it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life! You have to be a little more creative and your ego might take a serious hit but it still can be very challenging. I was a competitive bodybuilding in the early 70's and I just loved every minute of it. If needed,I'm more than happy to assist you on your path to enlightenment! LOL!!
Because it is literally my therapy that saves me from going completely insane. Been lifting non-stop since I was 15, well, I got more serious when I quit playing football in college and took it up a notch. Haven't looked back! Very therapeutic and it's fun releasing all of my fury with loud music blasting =)
I also prefer to train alone and in my sweet little setup, but that's just me. My neighbors probably think I'm shit nuts but I never cared what others thought.
I use bodybuilding as a way to help fight addiction. When I am bodybuilding/competing in bodybuilding shows, I am level and life goes well for me. When I stray away and listen to the devil calling in my ear from my shoulder, my life turns into a shitshow downward spiral. As Antoine Vaillant says "The Pump is The Cure."
I use bodybuilding as a way to help fight addiction. When I am bodybuilding/competing in bodybuilding shows, I am level and life goes well for me. When I stray away and listen to the devil calling in my ear from my shoulder, my life turns into a shitshow downward spiral. As Antoine Vaillant says "The Pump is The Cure."
Depending how invested you are in your training
will determine the depth you need to reach to acquire
Iron freak status. Those of us who have already
established residency understand in order to get
closer to the Iron freaks Xanadu you must be willing
to dig into the deepest recesses of your being!!
Not a lot to ask if you’re all in!
There's a lot to be said for consistency.
As freakin' boring as that word may appear
make no mistake, it is a necessary evil!
And as far as having any success
in the lifting game it is imperative!
To the Iron freak it is the cornerstone
which our philosophy is built upon!
For the asshole who wants to be perceived
as devoted the word has limited meaning.
When it comes to actual hard, consistent training,
only the Iron freak comprehends how vitally important
it is to our existence.
Whether it's pushing through a grueling set of barbell squats or
hammering out a set of incline presses on the old smith rack.
What ever the weapon of choice use it with bad intentions!!
Beat the living shit out of it! It goes without saying that
free weight movements yield the greatest results however
cables and other machines provide a wider variety of angles
a muscle can be attacked. Integrating the two in perfect
harmony takes a thorough knowledge of the form and
function of each movement. Variety keeps things
interesting not to mention it prevents the body from
adapting to the same old shit.
The darkness always looms over me, but I will never give up. I know that I have a good support structure around me and who I can talk to if shit gets too hard to handle brother.
Excitment abounds!! Huzzah!! Training day!!
Insane to think one can derive so much enjoyment from something so strenuous.
I recall working 10 hour days delivering kegs then looking forward to 60 sets of legs!! I shit you not. Then going to a Golden Nugget and ordering a 10 egg ham and cheese omelet!! It truly was the best part of my day. The irony (pun intended) In one instance I'm pissing and moaning about how tiring delivering 165 lb. kegs of beer was and later that very day happier than a pig in shit to be pushing 315 lbs repeatly off my chest. If that ain't love I don't know what is. Enjoy the fucking ride my fellow