Excitment abounds!! Huzzah!! Training day!!
Insane to think one can derive so much enjoyment from something so strenuous.
I recall working 10 hour days delivering kegs then looking forward to 60 sets of legs!! I shit you not. Then going to a Golden Nugget and ordering a 10 egg ham and cheese omelet!! It truly was the best part of my day. The irony (pun intended) In one instance I'm pissing and moaning about how tiring delivering 165 lb. kegs of beer was and later that very day happier than a pig in shit to be pushing 315 lbs repeatly off my chest. If that ain't love I don't know what is. Enjoy the fucking ride my fellow
I’m shocked that there’s any of us left at all.
I guess it’s a generational thing. It saddens me,
however, that we’ve veered so far off the beaten path?
The fucking very path so many of us cut our lifting teeth on. The
path that served us through our ignorant, formative lifting years.
I consider myself so fortunate that I trained with
a group that shared that same incredible desire to get filthy with the shit!!
Lifting was a huge part of our life! From the time we came through those doors
our purpose was clear, we were gathered to pay fucking homage.
I have fond memories training in the same space with the Myth himself.
A cramped, shitty little gym, hot as fuck I might add.Nobody ever bitched. The weirdest thing tho, No one really gave a rat's ass that we were in the presence of arguably one of the greatest bodybuilders to have ever lived.
As big a name as he was, he was not bigger than our purpose. And Oliva was one of us.
No doubt! Set after grueling set. Fucking sweat pouring off us. In that bizarre, little shithole with the carpeted walls we were all ONE!!
It’s not really too difficult for those committed
few to be convinced of the why. We fucking get it.
However, the rest of the world will have you
believe our "Obsession" is related to some complex psychological
condition stemming from a chemical imbalance
in the brain. Sure the brain does it’s best
coping with difficult situations finding
the simplest, most viable solutions with logic.
But what we do puts logic to the test. It's our passion
that ignites the junkies flame. Rational thought
has no place here, it goes out the fucking window
when the brain starts interfering with what the
heart seeks!! Bottom line our love for this shit defies
any argument the brain has to offer. Long live ignorance !!
It’s great that we share this passion about weight training!
However, it appears to ensure that your enthusiasm doesn’t
lead to unhealthy habits, It’s advisable to keep these
insatiable desires to lift to a minimum.
Thoughts no iron junkie has ever given in to!
It’s a fucking addiction, we get it! Let’s move on!
Can it negatively impact your mental and
emotional stability? Yeah, but only a little bit!
Shirk responsibilities? You fucking betcha’!
Who amongst us hasn’t on occasion ducked out
of work, school, or a social gathering to train?
If you haven’t then why the fuck are you reading this?
Here’s another reason our sanity is in question.
We’ve been known to train despite injuries or pain.
Imagine that,Fucking madness!! Incessantly thinking about your next workout?
They claim that makes you anxious.
You have to admit there might be some
truth there, but I believe they’re confusing
anxiousness with excitement!
I hope you all understand that these rants are coming from a demented old musclehead who resists change for the sake of change. I witnessed a kid who couldn't have weighed more than a buck ten soaking fucking wet doing cable flyes! I'm not sure if you guys get it but that's like driving a stake with a tack hammer. You ain't gonna' get shit done!! My days of giving training advice are in my rear view mirror. I officially no longer give a fuck! I i must admit part of me wanted to tell that kid
he was just pissing in the wind, but then again he looked like a douche so i just said fuck it. To my fellow junkies you know what moves us and inspires us. We are truly committed to the iron we cut no corners. We value the foundational ingredients.
It's what keeps us wanting more.
LOL I think we were all that kid. Either that kid ends up quitting, grows up and remains the same or he gets bit by the iron and it becomes his god.
Well put; however, for me it's basically a way to prevent me from swinging an axe into people's skulls! The fact that is make you look purty and muscular is just a bonus =)