Once accepted it can be become quite routine. Flawed attempts will yield negative results. Having a sound plan of attack not fueled by ego or unreasonable expections paves the way to success!
Having a solid routine and the discipline to stick to it is the path to success. When you don’t feel like training or the Taco Bell drive through is looking all sexy, that’s when discipline saves you.
Strength doesn't come from physical capacity. It comes from indomitable will. -Gandhi
You cannot dream yourself into a character. You must hammer and forge yourself into one. -Thoreau
I am don’t know about you guys but,
I’ve noticed as of late,
an enormous number of either the most
genetically gifted individuals on the face of the planet or
the largest group of drug users ever
assembled in one place! Way back when you at least trained
for a few years before you even considered it.
Somebody should explain to these guys (and gals)
there is a price to be paid when it’s all said and done.
Word to the wise, keep it real boys and girls!
Spartan out!
Not sure if I can even use the term work ethic here,
could be misconstrued. Some might even find it down right offensive!
Bottom line people, to gather any level of success
in this sport you have to be committed to investing countless hours
in the gym, ingesting copious amounts of protein,
and wanting to do it day after day after day.
Gains may come slowly and at times come
to a screeching halt. You will be tempted to use other means to get over the
hump but don’t do it! Working past a plateau is frustrating, however
if done naturally the gains will be longer lasting and of course more satisfying!
Pay it no mind when it comes a knockin’.
Failure will rear it’s ugly fucking head
when you’re not up to the challenge! Just remember the
old saying “He/she who fails to prepare, prepares to FAIL!
Approach each training day in an
aggressive,deliberate manner! How do I do that
you might ask? Proper carb loading, hydration, and maintaining
a positive nitrogen balance for starters! This process all starts the day before.
Years ago I accomplished this by taking handfuls of
desiccated liver and aminos every few hours. In addition I
had a minimum of 2 milk and egg protein drinks a day!
To be honest I fueled some my best workouts with stacks of buckwheat pancakes!
Pretty simple right? Put the work in and good things will happen.
Not necessarily. It's actually what you do next that will determine
if failure consumes your ass!
I had my own process of dealing with shit like this,
I called it the two "R" method, Recognize and Rectify!
I wanted to build bigger pecs back then so of course
I relied on set after set of the old standby
you guessed it, the bench press! Worked my ass off!
Eventually got up to doing multiple sets with 315 for 8's.
After months of busting my ass I was not pleased with the results.
So it was back to the proverbial drawing board. After serious consideration and researching several EMG studies I opted for bench's ugly cousin, the DB bench!
Suffice it to say the pecs responded well to the adjustment.
I must admit I was ready to accept the fact
that my chest was just one of those stubborn areas.
It'll happen when you least
expect it! Maybe it'll snatch your dumb ass up when you decided to go out and party a bit too hard the night before a heavy leg day.
Or perhaps when you opted to stay up late playing freaking video games while drinking Red bulls and eating flaming hot cheetos. It's stupid shit like this that opens the door! If you must indulge in such destructive behavior have enough sense to schedule it on a designated rest day!
AND IT IS US! We can be our own best friend OR...
OUR OWN WORST FREAKIN' ENEMY!! Life will always find a way to stack
the deck against you! You will, more times than not, be forced to make
tough decisions regarding things that will hugely impact you.
A few very simple suggestions to keep in mind when dealing with
your own personal tsunami shit storm is, Stand firm, meet
the shit head on and remember
indecision is the mother of all fuck ups!
Lastly but most importantly never forego your training!
It will be the only the thing that will help you maintain some semblance
of sanity during the turmoil. Rely on yourself to resolve your issues.
Nobody knows you better than you.
No sensei!! Interjecting a little Kobra Kai mentality girls and boys!
Sensei Crease had a point. This word should not exist in a lifter’s vernacular either!!
Set backs are inevitable. Best way to side step the failure issue is to continue
to forge ahead! Quitting is failure’s incestial family member. Yes I said it!
Stay the fuck away from it! Onward and upward children!!
If you've been following this thread you probably
have a pretty good sense of my
disdain for accepting failure and the people who
feel it's need to experience it in order to grow.
Conventional wisdom does not apply to us,
the dedicated. In a matter of fact I feel it
can be quite detrimental to the psyche of the
serious lifter. Contrary to popular belief,
there is a method to our madness. In order
for us to successfully face the challenges
that our training presents us daily, the thought
of failing is a thought that can not be afforded.
Avert your eyes children… failure comes in many forms!
Lazy and stupid are ones that if gone unnoticed
can be major contributors.
If the aforementioned applies to you, than
you better get comfortable with the notion that
failure and you are going to become real familiar.
Dedicated lifters are self motivated individuals always seeking
to continue educating themselves with information that can be
utilized in bettering there approach to feeding and training there
Don't overthink this shit.
Complicating the simplistic nature of training by trying to
apply ridiculous unfounded principles by self proclaimed gurus and "influencers" will certainly buy you a one way ticket to Shitsville! Welcome to failure country!
Worthless I can deal with, weak not so much.
One way to avoid feeling completely demoralized
is by meeting challenging, yet attainable periodized training goals.
A methodical, sustainable course. Allow yourself a little wiggle room
when devising a long term training strategy. It allows for manageable
set backs rather than major disappointments.
FAILURE BLOWS! No shit Sherlock!
Anybody that's experienced the agony of defeat
knows it's a feeling you don't want to get used to.
Learn to identify the signs. I consider shit a
failure when they are totally FUBAR!!
and my friends, that only happens when
you don't do your homework! Know when to
reaccess and address. Some indicators that
things are FUBAR are not seeing any appreciable gains
in strength or lean gains after every 6 week period.
Mind you, this applies only if you've been consistent
with diet and training.
I used to train at a Y that housed some of
the best Olympic and power lifters our area
had to offer. I was a bodybuilder, and
by there accounts not worthy of even
entering there domain, let alone train there! I was 17.
Day in, day out. These huge burly men were relentless
with there badgering and berating.
"Hey pussy throw some weight on the bar"
I ignored them the best I could and continued to follow the
program I mapped out for myself. Months later, all this
shit eventually came to an end when one of them had recognized
me at a meet and told the rest of the crew I had won
the contest and took all body part categories! By the way people
no height or weight classes! 20 guys in the show best man wins. Also did I mention the bodybuilding competitions were normally held after the powerlifting meets!
Point is, failure was never an option for me regardless of the hostilities inflicted back then.
I stayed the course and wound up gaining acceptance from this tough crowd.