I think its personal preference. I use underhand narrow grip, and my arms are right at my side pulling into my stomach ..
AKA TreeTrunkLegs
"I am the man responsible for who I am. When I look in the mirror each day, I stare my creator in the eyes. I am responsible for what I have and will become, I am accountable for what I will or will not accomplish. I believe in myself, I bow to no man and my only critic of any consequence has walked every mile of this journey in my size thirteens. " - G. Diesel
What days are best for Deadlifts? Leg day or Back? if on leg day, do you do both squats and deads? or alternate work outs.
I used to do Lower Back with Legs and would do Full Deads, Then I started doing Partial Deads on Back days to really focus on my back and limit my glutes and Hams involvement. Try one way and if you don't like the results alter your schedule, no one will no how you react to certain trining splits better than you.
Hey fellas, my tricep workout has been sort of dull lately, basically a lot of pushdowns and and extensions. Does anyone know some good mass exercises i can incorporate into my workouts? Thanks
Hey fellas, my tricep workout has been sort of dull lately, basically a lot of pushdowns and and extensions. Does anyone know some good mass exercises i can incorporate into my workouts? Thanks
I like to do dips, close grip bench press, french press, ect.
AKA TreeTrunkLegs
"I am the man responsible for who I am. When I look in the mirror each day, I stare my creator in the eyes. I am responsible for what I have and will become, I am accountable for what I will or will not accomplish. I believe in myself, I bow to no man and my only critic of any consequence has walked every mile of this journey in my size thirteens. " - G. Diesel
Hey fellas, my tricep workout has been sort of dull lately, basically a lot of pushdowns and and extensions. Does anyone know some good mass exercises i can incorporate into my workouts? Thanks
You need to do Compound movements, Close grip Bench Presses, Skull Crushers, Dips or Bench Dips etc. Those will really help put on some mass especially if you aren't used to doing them. Good Luck
Squat, bench, deadlift. They are the big 3 and recruit the most overall musculature and will get you bigger and stronger than any other exercises. Always multi joint movements or variations of the big 3.
You need to do Compound movements, Close grip Bench Presses, Skull Crushers, Dips or Bench Dips etc. Those will really help put on some mass especially if you aren't used to doing them. Good Luck
Yes, make sure the dips are for tris & not chest; look for vids on the differences. Skull crushers; don't confuse them with a pullover (ez curl bar). Warm up the tris any sudden sharp pain in inner elbow; back off / ease up. Once you get that, it; takes a long time to go away.
Without a doubt, the compound movements mentioned initially are important. I would say, a good second place is any lift that you suck at. If you're good on squats but suck at front squats, try incorporating those into your training.
"One should not pursue goals that are easily achieved.
One must develop an instinct for what one can just barely
achieve through one's greatest efforts."
- Albert Einstein