house, now since yuo legs are your biggest bodypart. do you train them equally with everything else or do you lay off of them? the only reason i ask is because my shoulders are the same way. they aren't huge but they are so big that they take away from my upper pecs and my arm size all togather.
Hey House, I train my calfs once a week on leg day sometimes twice.. I walk about 4-5 miles a day at work would this hurt my calf growth? I can't seem to get them growing... I usually mix up supersets heavy and light, high rep, 10 sec rest you name it... Can you give me a calf routein to try? I am in a rut here bro....Thanks
"You can't build a house out of shit and expect it to stand up to the rain."-Wrath
"I'd rather eat 100 eggs and puke then do two hours of cardio."-Wrath
"Everyone wants to be a bodybuilder, but no one wants to lift this heavy ass weight.....But i do" - Ronnie Coleman
"Treat each body part with importance" - Gregg Valentino
What are your top 5 songs to lift to on your ipod right now?? I know I always get more motavated to go to the gym when I put some fresh music on mine. Just curious.
Let nothing stop you from going to the gym and training hard! Even if you were to break every bone in your body a true gym warrior would still find something to train.
So being 9 weeks out now I'm doing the carb cycling like you recomended, cardio 7 days a week and tweaking it as I go...if and or when do I need to change anything as for the diet...just wait till I get closer to show date before worrying about it?? My abs are finally popping out by dropping my low carb days lower...but I'm looking kinda flat though, is that normal??
Man with a million questions here...also when should I cut out diet cokes?? Drinking maybe on or two a day and only water other than that....
I met you at the north americans. Thanks for the advice about bringing up my legs. I'll definitely give it a go. You're def. a 1st class guy and look forward to crossing paths with you in the future.
house, now since yuo legs are your biggest bodypart. do you train them equally with everything else or do you lay off of them? the only reason i ask is because my shoulders are the same way. they aren't huge but they are so big that they take away from my upper pecs and my arm size all togather.
Train them same intensity but less often once a week were I train my chest twice a week
Hey House, I train my calfs once a week on leg day sometimes twice.. I walk about 4-5 miles a day at work would this hurt my calf growth? I can't seem to get them growing... I usually mix up supersets heavy and light, high rep, 10 sec rest you name it... Can you give me a calf routein to try? I am in a rut here bro....Thanks
Try training them at the end of every third workout... Get 4 sets till failure with a weight that failure is with in ten reps of a 25 set..
What are your top 5 songs to lift to on your ipod right now?? I know I always get more motavated to go to the gym when I put some fresh music on mine. Just curious.
I am a hip hop guy and a death metal guy but I have been listen to the new flo rida cd..and some old school 2pac and bone thugs don't ask me why but it gets me goin sometimes... But if that doent work I always turn on some manson or rob zombie
I met you at the north americans. Thanks for the advice about bringing up my legs. I'll definitely give it a go. You're def. a 1st class guy and look forward to crossing paths with you in the future.
Thanks again,
Bro it was good puttin a face with a name bro... Glad we got to talk keep hittin the legs bro keep training hard and hope u enjoyed your first show experience maybe soon u will be up on that noth american stage... Keep in touch bro
Hey house what's goin on?
Anyway if you could look at my diet and let me know what you think I'd appreciate it.
Meal 1-
7 eggwhites 2 yolks 1 cup oats 1tbl fishoil
Sometimes a small apple
Meal 2-
6 oz chicken 2 slices eziekiel bread
8 almonds
Meal 3-
8 oz chicken 1 cup oats
Meal 4 Pwo shake
50gs isolate 30g waximaize half cup oats 5g glutamine 5g creatine
Meal 5
8oz white fish or chicken with steamed vegetables 1 tbl fish oil
Meal 6
2 scoops casien
Thanks a lot bro I appreciate it. I'm 185 right now at 9 percent body fat. I cut all summer but now I wanna start focusing on maintaining instead of cutting back. How's that diet sound for maintaining? Too much or too little? Thanks again
What up house?? I met you recently in Milltown, NJ at Musclemill. What an experience, I am really using the tips you gave me to help bring up my back. I read your article on calves and you said something about high calves. I have higher calves, and they are just not growing. I do respond to high reps like you said in your article. I want my calves to match my forearms.
My routine right now is (calf's twice a week)
smith machine calf raises
toes in 7 toes sraight 7 toes out 7 and toe raises 7
Seated calf machine 4 sets 15 reps.
Different day
leg press calf rasies
seated calf machine 4 sets 15 reps.
Any suggestions??? Again I have higher calves and basically want them to well....look like yorus. thanks.
Maybe I missed it if it was discussed but, I haven't seen you're article in MD lately. I really miss seeing you in there and hope you'll be back soon.
Best Meet Totals @ 181
Squat 424.39
Dead 473.99
Bench 319.67
"I want to think deeply and be enraged and laugh uncontrollably and cry sincerely and love fully. I lust to feel life with all of my being, not to merely survive it, escaping out the other end unscathed only to find death waiting for me like a chauffeured black sedan, the reaper holding my name card. Fuck that. I want to be moved." G Diesel, DOAM #215
Hey house what's goin on?
Anyway if you could look at my diet and let me know what you think I'd appreciate it.
Meal 1-
7 eggwhites 2 yolks 1 cup oats 1tbl fishoil
Sometimes a small apple
Meal 2-
6 oz chicken 2 slices eziekiel bread
8 almonds
Meal 3-
8 oz chicken 1 cup oats
Meal 4 Pwo shake
50gs isolate 30g waximaize half cup oats 5g glutamine 5g creatine
Meal 5
8oz white fish or chicken with steamed vegetables 1 tbl fish oil
Meal 6
2 scoops casien
Thanks a lot bro I appreciate it. I'm 185 right now at 9 percent body fat. I cut all summer but now I wanna start focusing on maintaining instead of cutting back. How's that diet sound for maintaining? Too much or too little? Thanks again
Food looks good clean...just watch the mirror if u feel that u are gaining to much do some cardio
What up house?? I met you recently in Milltown, NJ at Musclemill. What an experience, I am really using the tips you gave me to help bring up my back. I read your article on calves and you said something about high calves. I have higher calves, and they are just not growing. I do respond to high reps like you said in your article. I want my calves to match my forearms.
My routine right now is (calf's twice a week)
smith machine calf raises
toes in 7 toes sraight 7 toes out 7 and toe raises 7
Seated calf machine 4 sets 15 reps.
Different day
leg press calf rasies
seated calf machine 4 sets 15 reps.
Any suggestions??? Again I have higher calves and basically want them to well....look like yorus. thanks.
When I say high rep I am sayin no less than 25 no more that 100 try that bro...